Cycling - Theological
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Stan Malina
- Bicycle tour on the trail of the Seven Churches

187 pages
134 photos
(+ shipment – 4,-€)
Link to the bicycle tour

book tells about the living works of the God of
the Bible, from the Revelation of John, in the context of my trip to the Seven Churches.
God's Word works everywhere, depending on how open we are for it! Nevertheless, we are easily open, more willingly and in fact more active, in the original places of biblical events.
The purpose of this book is to awaken a greater concern in the reader, for the places described in the Bible and possibly to visit them (even on a bicycle).
I introduce some historical facts, concerning their influence and meaning for today, additionally including my impressions on some selected historical events and people who were linked with this trip. General description of historical events, chronological tables and the original material can be found by one find in professional literature.

Stan Malina
FROM TARSUS TO DAMASCUS - Between two birth places of the apostle Paul
Cycling on all trails of apostle Paul - Volume 1
ISBN 978-3-931819-22-4
162 photos
Link to the bicycle tour

… Not far from Paul’s house, on another street surface, I met a shoemaker. I inquired if he could repair my old and memorial wallet.
"No problem!At once another man offered to interpret for us and I gave the shoemaker my wallet ... with the money and documents. He repaired gratis. We started to talk and more men joined us, someone brought çaj (tee) while I answered their questions: why am I in Tarsus?, why Paul is important to me?, what has he proclaimed? One of my interlocutors confirmed that Paul must have been a very important person, that even after 1900 years, the Americans established a collage in Tarsus.“Yes” – I answered – “he was your most famous citizen.”The man who sold iron plates and nails was especially encouraged, when I told him that Paul, who had the highest education was a producer of tents.He responded, “Like me”, being touched. “first I studied in our Institute in Tarsus, later in Istanbul and now I … sell nails.”The value of life is not seen in our positional status in society, but in the right basis in life and honesty.
At that moment, the shoemaker came nearer and with gravity, took out from a plastic bag, a solicitously packed New Testament in Turkish, Incil, very new. He showed it to us as it was his greatest treasure. All the men came
closer and looked at it with interest. The shoemaker said that he got it from the tourists.“Your Paul, wrote most parts of this book, under the inspiration of Holy Spirit.”And when I opened to some places with the name Tarsus, they were excitedly happy. Now the plates and nails seller touched the main subject:“Is it possible to have direct contact with God? How?”I explained, they understood, were moved in their hearts and were thankful.
It was worth going to Tarsus! … “

16-Apostolic ministry
Stan Malina
“Go into all the world”
Cycling on all trails of apostle Paul - Volume 2
ISBN 978-3-931819-73-6
230 pages
159 photos
15,-€ (+ shipment - 4,-€)
Link to the bicycle tour

"Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:15-16)
These words Jesus addressed toward His disciples. The first disciples, Eleven Apostles somehow disappeared from the scene of the history – besides Peter we do not know not much about them.

In contrast, the appointed apostle Paul spread the fragrance of the Gospel around the world.

Many people could learn from him that there is the possibility to already have direct relation to God here on the earth, and then, after death, eternal life in unblemished, impressive, heavenly reality.

Paul had experienced it; therefore with great passion he shared this with others! His first apostolic journey was done together with Barnabas. They went through Cyprus in entirety, and also through the part of today’s south Turkey.

I wanted to study their journey more closely, therefore I travelled there with my bicycle.

In this book I write about my experiences and discoveries.

The main point of my interest was the subject of apostolate; consequently, some of its characters and meaning I decided to describe in each chapter.
I hope that “Apostolic ministry” will contribute towards the proclamation of the actual message about salvation in Jesus, the Gospel.

That’s why in the subtitle there is encouragement and challenge: "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel".

E-18-Bound by the Spirit - print version - front

Stan Malina
BOUND BY THE SPIRIT - God's extraordinary guidance
Cycling on all trails of apostle Paul - Volume 4
ISBN 978-3-931819-66-8
184 pages (A5)
259 photos
Paperback: 20,-€ (+ shipment - 5,-€)
Link to the bicycle tour

I do like Derbe!
I really expected to have some deeper experiences here, especially since I plucked up the courage to stay the night. Well, it was now time to move forwards. Coming down from the top of the mound, I was amazed at how tiny my tent looked from up here.
When I went down, I noticed from my right that two huge barking dogs were approaching. That’s all I needed! I prepared my tent hammer and leather belt, if perhaps I would need them to protect myself. I was watchful, as I began packing up the tent. Meanwhile, other five huge dogs were approaching from my left. Now the situation really looked dangerous. I would have somehow managed with two dogs, but seven would overwhelm me. Besides, these dogs were not just little puppies, but huge and ferocious animals.
“Oh, dear God ...”
I didn’t even start my prayer yet, when suddenly …

E-Bicycle-05-Tensions_around_Izrael Not published yet
Stan Malina
Cycling on all trails of apostle Paul - Volume 5
ISBN 978-3-931819-60-6
333 photos
Link to the bicycle tour

After crossing over the Palestinian checkpoint, I looked around searching the area for some old remains, which may have been left behind from the ancient wall surrounding the city of Jericho. Of course, I didn’t find anything – it was just a theological impulse. I then had a little chat with a Palestinian policeman, who assured me that Jericho is a safe city. As I entered the city, I was amazed by the very modern settlement with excellent houses.
What a contrast to the Palestinians camps I saw in Lebanon and in Syria in 2002! I think that most Europeans (not only) would love to live in houses like this. Judging by what I had seen I can safely say that, it is possible to have a normal lifestyle in this place! Similarly, many Muslims also live a very normal life, in many European countries (and not only European), governed by the same laws. But for example in Germany, no Turk or Arab would dare to demand its own state in the land. And even if some would rebel and not respect the law, then, of course they must calculate the consequences of their actions. It’s obvious that, multicultural and even multi-ethnic states exist in the world today. I think I have already touched on the essence of the problem
, at the beginning of my visit to Israel. Now I have decided to observe correlations between Israelis and Arabs. Anyway, the ambience, the atmosphere in Jericho is very peaceful, giving off a nice impression with its normal, even merry street life and pleasant people.

23-Like in a park
Stan Malina
Ireland 2014
Cycling Apostolate – Volume 3
ISBN: 978-3-931819-89-7
136 pages
174 photos
10,-€ (+ shipment - 4,-€)

Link to the bicycle tour

… The landscape was predominated with old, rocky, pasture’ fences.
We look at fences mostly from the negative perspective. Meanwhile, they are necessary; they protect, integrate, identify and keep order. It is so also in church-structural sense. We should look positively on an existence of many denominations (fences). The main problem is “gates” and “gateways” between the fences. These should not only exist, but also function properly. The “gateway” (“gateways”) between historical churches is ecumenical World Council of Churches; and evangelical Christianity has its “gates” in the World Evangelical Alliance. Of course, these world’s organisations have their national organs. The same applies here in Ireland, where besides Evangelical Alliance, there is an entity called “Aontas”: it is essentially a partnership of the Bible-centred churches and organisations. …

E-The Battle
Stan Malina
Cycling Apostolate – Volume 4
ISBN: 978-3-931819-88-0
133 pages
136 photos
10,-€ (+ shipment - 4,-€)
Link to the bicycle tour